Friday, April 6, 2007

Vagina Chronicles II

Camera skills improving or just the gift of natural light? Of course there's light but not all that much, it's cloudy today! Los Angeles, Southern California, the land of perpetual sun and today it's cloudy. Guess how many truly cloudy days we get here - about 3, there's today and probably another in about 100 days or so. But look anyway....

And look here....

Vagina Chronicles

So shoot me, the blanket's done, how many more chances will I get to use vagina in a post title? Yes, the blanket is completed and the baby arrived yesterday - timing is everything as they say. It will soon be mailed and gone forever. In all honesty, I have very little, well no use for a baby blanket yet I'm already having separation anxiety. This project makes me feel like a real knitter and I can't wait to take more pictures of it tomorrow but I couldn't resist getting at least one shot of it up tonight.

Of course, I am still disappointed with my complete and total lack of photography skills but at least I can enjoy it in person for a day or so more.

Last thing, my obsessive compulsive side is working overtime on this one. Do I simply wrap it beautifully in the box or do I ensure its safety from some unknowing postal worker's morning coffee (and lose some drama upon delivery) and safely tuck it inside a ziploc for travel? Am I being paranoid? Let me know, post your recommendations in the comments! You may think ... blatant ploy for comments or true paranoia? Feel free to post about that as well, if you must. knitguy.