I've had the most pleasant and relaxing day. I'm currently holed up in a hotel for two weeks before I move into my new place. Yesterday, I spent the day wandering around the beach, something I rarely do, surprisingly so for someone who lives in Florida. Today, I had no interest in sunshine. I woke up at 8AM and couldn't fall back to sleep. I opened the computer and turned to Netflix for a little entertainment over coffee. I knew a film or two was in order as I've watched more television this week than I have in a year! I discovered there's a reason I haven't had television for the past year, it's so dumb and that's sort of generous. Those of you who watch all these ridiculous realty shows, please explain the attraction.
Anyway, around 2PM, I stepped out for lunch and when I got back to the room, I found a film that I loved when it first premiered. Before Sunrise with Ethan Hawke and Julie Deply, I always had a crush on Ethan until the whole nanny incident so I decided to watch it again. I had no idea that they made a sequel called before Before Sunset (original huh?) with the same cast. It was a great sequel and I never like sequels. Both films are all talk, talk, talk and they're smart, funny, sarcastic, sexy, emotional and romantically edgy but still sappy. I love that crap. The sequel screenplay is just as clever as the first one in a 30-something way vs the original 20-something vibe. You should watch it. It's on instant view, there's no risk!
On the knitting front, not much has been going on. Work and finding a place have been all consuming. By the time I get some "me time" at the end of the day, I have just about enough energy to wash my face before heading to bed. I made the huge mistake of bringing only one project with me -- the Stephen West shawl. Great project, just got to the interesting part, counting is now involved and following a pattern, albeit simple, is too taxing for my overworked brain so it's been left collecting dust on the nightstand. And I miss Beauregard. He's all packed up and in storage with the rest of my creature comforts!
And that's knitting content, sort of. More to come when I'm back in my own place and start discovering my new city!