I finally unpacked (put the suitcase away and everything) from my trip and I'm still basking in the glory of friendship, knitting and an amazing city! Once again, I attended the Men's Spring Knitting Retreat in Easton, NY and enjoyed myself immensely. It's a bucolic setting (that's for you Joe, if you're listening) and gathering with like-minded men renewed my knitting spirit!

I loved the drive down from Boston in my deluxe SUV, thank you Charlynne for taking a shine to me at the check-in desk and upgrading me famously. The MA Pike is a lovely drive and in a few hours, I was in Easton. I love that you can make this retreat anything you want. This year, I didn't formally sign up for any classes but I enjoyed loitering in their vicinty. I had to see what all the hype was about steeking, lace blocking and two fisted knitting (that one wasn't what I expected). For someone who didn't want to take a lot of classes, I sure learned a lot!
As always, the best part of these retreats is the time spent with the guys. Chris was a great roommate and Michael, always the best company. Troy, my 'stylish' caffeine buddy and Matthew, an unexpected bond. Bob/John, the party was a blast and of course, Joe and Ted, thanks for making it all happen!

On my way back to Boston I got lost and if you follow me on Twitter, you know I ended up in Vermont. But who could complain when covered bridges like this appear out of nowhere.
In Boston, I had the esteemed pleasure of meeting my fav, Rav pal Mel. We met for lunch and she is a funny, smart, engaging and as lovely a woman as I could have ever imagined! A two-hour lunch proved the highlight of the entire trip. We must spend more time together!

While I was at the retreat, I knit my first moebius scarf of Cat Boordhi fame and I love its infinite design. In Blue Sky Suri Merino it made the perfect gift for Mel. She was kind enough to photograph it and I hope she'll think of me when she wears it this Winter.
I ate my way through the North End, it reminded me of growing up in Brooklyn. Pasta, pizza, bread, pastries, cookies -- can you say carb coma? I don't have to say it, I was in one -- heaven! I loved this building and its patina was incredible in the sun!
Thanks again Mel! Every direction was a postcard!
Boston Commons was so lovely, I read Pride & Prejudice under a tree for almost 2 hours. I know, I'm a girl. Tell your jokes. I don't care. ;-)
And, this is my idea of a bookstore. How I do miss city life sometimes!
Thanks for the memories guys and girl. J.
Awww, thanks Joey. Miss you! Boston misses you too. So glad to see the other parts of your trip. We must hang out more. But not in Florida in the summer. Love you like a brother, but no.
Oh how this post was so lovely and reminds me of what friends are truly all about! I am so glad that you enjoyed the retreat and the friendships that you have been cultivating from attending. As for Boston...I will visit there with you any time BUT Winter. I am a Southern Gal for a definite reason but since we both love Mel we will visit her there to keep her from melting in the humidity and heat!
I can't imagine a retreat without you there...I always find myself more joyous around you. Thanks for the nice words (and the new word for 2011 will by "idyllic" in case you care to be on the cutting edge of vocabulary)
Where is that book store?????
Boston, of course!
So sorry to intrude, but I *love* the moebius scarf you created--do you happen too remember which pattern you used? Many thanks!
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