Welcome the newest addition to our family! This little baby joined our family a few days ago and I've been somewhat obsessed with all it can do. Our old camera took a picture with a flash, had an antiquated zoom feature (little and a little bigger) and a timer that I never bothered to learn. Now I shoot in black and white, sepia, portrait, outdoor, indoor, fireworks, underwater and the list goes on and on. We joke that the camera is smarter than us but I swear it told me to stop reading the instruction manual the other night and go to bed.

Speaking of we/us, the real love of my life, Mr. T (not that guy, silly), my partner, Tony -- 9 years in April, once again as he has for the past 8 years made me a hand-made Valentine. Every year, he painstakingly chooses amazing artisan papers and mixes them together in extraordinary ways. This year when I opened it there was a J and a T on either side, J=Joe, T=Tony and when I opened it further the message was "adore" - get it
T'ADORE. I didn't get it
at first, until I was told -- fine! I was just overwhelmed, yeah, that's it, overwhelmed. This kind of attention makes a relationship that is statistically at a point when some couples start to take each other for granted (7+ years), we find ourselves still in love!

On the knitting front, I've got a little simplicity brewing on the side while I finish up the Vagina Blanket border - anyone know what it is? For my hoards of avid readers, it shouldn't require too much gray matter.
P.S. The photos in this post are officially the last from the old camera. It took a while to figure out how to get the photos taken with the new camera on the computer but that is officially solved as of this evening!